At SHIELD Task Force, we focus our child abuse prevention efforts on communities and systems where the need and potential impact is greatest.
Faith-Based Abuse Prevention. Religious communities are disproportionately targeted and manipulated by offenders, but engaged faith communities can create powerful cultures of child safety and resilience.
Middle and High School Abuse Prevention. Much of life is now lived online. With the increase in child exploitation and other online harms, middle and high school students need the tools to navigate high-risk situations, in-person or online. SHIELD’s school assemblies provide age-appropriate, positive, engaging content to empower students and connect survivors to resources and support.

Each year approximately 1,700 children in the U.S. die of child abuse. And those are just the cases reported.
That’s 4 to 5 children every day.
1 in 10 children are sexually abused before they turn 18.
Are the Numbers Really That High?
Most statistics regarding child abuse are actually conservative estimates. Not all victims are willing or able to disclose. As a result, many cases of child abuse and sexual assault are never reported to law enforcement.
How Can I Help Keep Kids Safe?
SHIELD Task Force is fighting to end the child abuse epidemic in our state. But we can’t do it alone. Get involved. Educate yourself and others. Teach kids about body safety. Donate your time or resources.